Cannabis Science, You’ve Come A Long Way, Baby

Plus, Mike Tyson’s new weed partnership

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Happy Friday, cannabis colleagues, friends and readers. Javier Hasse and Maureen Meehan here to fill you in on what’s happened as we come to the end of another action-packed week. 

We know it’s difficult to keep up with all the news around us, so we decided to zero in on science, which is a unifying force, one that brings us together to solve problems. Let’s see what has transpired in the area of cannabis science and innovation in the past several days.

In today's issue:

Cannabis Takes On Superbugs: Could This New Drug 'Change Infection Treatment Forever'?

As part of our science theme, let’s look at an exclusive story Javier Hasse researched about superbugs. He notes that without new solutions, these drug-resistant infections could turn a minor ailment into a deadly, untreatable threat. 

What’s to be done? Hasse spoke with Dr. Dana Lambert, CEO of Andira Pharmaceuticals who explained that she and her team began exploring how cannabinoids “might be used to treat drug-resistant infections." Read more and hear what the doctor has to say.

Mike Tyson's Weed Odor Eliminator: Does The HotBox Air Purifier Really Remove Cannabis Smell From The Air?

Did you know that Mike Tyson recently partnered with Higher Innovation to launch the TYSON 2.0 HotBox? Who, you might wonder, wants or needs a HotBox? It turns out there are all sorts of reasons for possessing one. Reducing the scent of cannabis isn't just about comfort, it can be a legal safeguard and a health benefit. "Cannabis is an extremely difficult smell to tackle," says Higher Innovation’s CEO Ashley Ciccel. "We address the problem with a two-pronged approach: capture and conceal." Check out the full story and you too might decide on your very own hot box.

Possible Breakthrough In The Treatment Of Joint Disease

Then there’s Enveric Sciences, which entered into two licensing agreements with the biotech company Restoration Biologics LLC, to focus on treating joint diseases, such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. “Our cannabinoid-COX-2 conjugate technology represents a novel approach to addressing inflammation and pain in degenerative joint conditions..." the director and CEO of Enveric told Benzinga’s Vandana Singh this week.

Bill Gates Spills The Beans: He Was A Stoner And He Loved Weed

Okay, this is not science per se, but we’ll put Bill Gates into the innovation category. But everyone already knows that about the Microsoft founder. What we found fun about Gates came out in his debut memoir, “Source Code,” which hit the bookshelves on Feb. 4. In it, he shares several stories about his teenage experiences with cannabis and LSD. 

Gates said most of the acid trips he took as a young man, of which there were at least a half-dozen, happened due to the influence of his best friend, the late Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen. And, Gates said, there was also the influence of Jimi Hendrix who provided the perfect soundtrack.

Have a great weekend everyone and remember… science rules!


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